ÇADEM PSYCHOLOGY, which adopts science, quality, love and trust as its core values is a pioneering organization that makes a difference. We provide expertise and quality services in the field of personal, familial, educational, psychological issues that individuals, children, adolescents, adults, mothers and fathers encounter in addition to our corporate consultancy services.
we are open seven days a week between 09.00 and 21.00. Our sessions last 50 minutes like all over the world. Test applications with the first interviews and evaluations take 90 - 120 minutes.
ÇADEM develops creative scientific programs and practices in education, development, psychology, psychological counseling and special education. These programs and practices are based on humane, preventive, diverse and high quality methods.
Determining the level of development and maturity, emotional and social assessment, intelligence, personality and ability tests and the use of projective techniques
Feeding, sleeping, cleaning, toilet habits, weaning the baby off breastfeeding, quitting pacifier, bottle and diaper
Insecurity, identity confusion, aggression, anger, passivity, inability to communicate, inability to make friends, separation anxiety, addiction, phobias, traumas, obsessions, false friendships, compulsive lying and stealing
Adaptation to school, distraction, special learning difficulties, school failure, and inability to gain homework responsibility, test anxiety, school phobia, lack of motivation, productive study, profession/field/school/hobby selection
Improving mother-child, father-child, sibling relationships, difficulties in relationships with adolescents, regulating friendship and social relations
Recognizing and managing stress, developing interpersonal skills, developing effective management and leadership skills, regulating negative emotions